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  In high school, three girlfriends decide to make a secret pact with each other to wait to have sex, save themselves until they feel the time is right, despite an aggressive plan from the opposing sex.
  Three hot high school seniors are shocked to discover their names in a legendary book that pairs the school's virgins with football players. Outraged, the girls are determined to show the guys who's really running the game of love and launch a series of hilarious, humiliating pranks to get back at the baffled boys in a hysterical battle of the sexes. Rumer Willis (90210), Tania Raymonde (Lost) and Kristin Cavallari (The Hills) star with Rob Schneider (Saturday Night Live) as an overprotective father reluctant to let his daughter grow up.
  一个女高中生决定要报复她的男朋友,她发现他只是约会她,希望她会在他的球队”bang book”中结束。


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